RoboForm is a password manager and one-click web form filler with some very serious smart features. It can automatically save the passwords used in the login forms loaded by the browser; automatically fills in the name and password in the login form; presses the login button for you; fills in personal information in online forms; can save offline passwords and notes; generates random and secure passwords, etc.

RoboForm can encrypt passwords and personal data using 3-DES. All personal information is stored only on your computer. Take Robo Form with you on a USB drive for maximum convenience and portability. Sync your passwords and notes with your Palm or Pocket PC. Backup, recover, and print passwords, and many more features.
This software can be integrated in the form of a bar with most of the known browsers, except for Opera for now.
Download Also – LastPass Password Manager 4.112.0
License: Freeware with some restrictions.
RoboForm Features
- AutoSave passwords in the browser.
- AutoFill passwords to the login form.
- Click the Login button for you.
- Fill personal info into online forms.
- Save offline passwords and notes.
- Generate Secure Random Passwords.
- Encrypt passwords and personal data using AES, Blowfish, RC6, 3-DES, or 1-DES algorithms.
- All personal info is stored on your computer only.
- Take on a USB disk for ultimate portability.
- Sync your passwords and notes to Palm or Pocket PC.
- Backup and Restore, Print your passwords.
- Works under Windows as an add-on to IE-based browsers.
- Works with Netscape, Mozilla, and Firefox under Windows.
What’s New in Ver
- Аddеd thе Аuthеntісаtоr tооl іn Dеѕktор Еdіtоr tо ѕhоw аll Lоgіnѕ wіth ТОТР.
- Іnсrеаѕеd thе dеfаult lеngth оf gеnеrаtеd раѕѕwоrd tо 22 сhаrѕ, wаѕ 16.
- Uрdаtеd thе fоnt ѕtуlе іn Ѕаfеnоtе Еdіtоr tо uѕе а fіхеd-wіdth fоnt.
- Еntеrрrіѕе: іmрlеmеntеd Lоgіn vіа ЅЅО fеаturе fоr соmраnу mеmbеrѕ.
- Nеw СоdеЅіgn сеrtіfісаtе fоr Rоbо Fоrm ехесutаblеѕ.
- Міѕсеllаnеоuѕ bug fіхеѕ.