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PDF24 Creator 10.6.1

PDF24 Creator 10.2.0

Using PDF24 Creator, you may create PDF files or convert them to a variety of other file types. The PDF printer “pdf24” is installed via the PDF24 Creator installer. This printer works just like any other printer in Windows.

Once a document has been printed on pdf24, a PDF file will be generated and a wizard will be launched. You may save, open, and make changes to a PDF file from here.

Create a multi-PDF document from a single PDF file by merging them together with the help of PDF24 Creator’s built-in editor. You can also split PDFs and extract pages from them to create a new document, encrypt PDF files to prevent them from being printed without your permission, and convert documents like Word, Excel, or image files to PDF without losing any of the original content.

The built-in PDF explorer makes it easier to work with PDF files. Previewing each PDF lets you see what it looks like before you open it up to make changes. A PDF reader is also included for viewing PDF files. Freeware is the only licence type available.

Changes to PDF24 Creator 10.6.1:

Toolbox: Favorites in tool selection

In the tool overview in the toolbox, it is now possible to mark a tool as a favorite. This has the advantage that you can find individual tools more quickly, because sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees. A filter for the favorites is also available.

Problem with language selection fixed

A problem has crept in with the language selection. Some languages ​​were no longer displayed when selecting the language. Language variants such as Portuguese (Brazil) were affected. The cause of this problem has now been solved.

More language files updated

Official page

Download: PDF24 Creator 10.6.1 (122 MB)

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