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Microinvest Composition Pro Light 3.07.075

Microinvest Warehouse Pro Light has full integration with Microinvest Warehouse Pro, which allows the end-user to take advantage of the rich functionality of both applications. In this way, our customers get better opportunities to manage multiple objects, analyze and process the accumulated data.

Microinvest Invoice Pro 3.00.010

With minimal hardware requirements, ergonomic design, and effortless operation, Microinvest Warehouse Pro Light is a reliable software system that can be useful in all types of warehouses, shops, restaurants, and all kinds of retail outlets. The product is optimized for work with all types of peripherals: barcode readers, touch screen terminals, works with all fiscal printers, POS printers and cash registers.

License: Paid (Shareware).

What’s New in Microinvest Warehouse Pro Light 3.07.075:

1. Added INV deletion from NextAcct in case of failure in the billing window
2. Added support for marked goods – Ukraine
3. Optimization for symbols% * _ in the marked goods – Russia, Kazakhstan
4. Optimization in determining marked goods of type Milk – Russia
5. Optimization when printing scripts ItemDiscountPercent, ItemDiscountTotal, ItemDiscountTotalNet
6. Change in the design of templates in Rwanda
7. Expand the number of banknote buttons
8. Change of banknotes for Kazakhstan
9. Added ability to manage banknotes
10. ToWords Optimization
11. More detailed logging of actions for opening a table and completing an order
12. Optimization for grouping goods on record – Restaurant
13. Change of banknotes for Kazakhstan
14. Hiding digital buttons when paying with banknotes
15. Hiding numeric buttons in visual style 3
16. Identification of a partner by phone for Belarus
17. Optimization in the operation note window
18. Added the ability to comment on the operation – Poland
19. Added the ability to comment on the operation – Saudi Arabia
20. Added automatic filling of a note during the transformation of the document by the Document Manager
21. For the CardToSecondFiscal parameter, load only the last payment
22. Lock of advance payment – Rwanda
23. When paying with a bank to issue a fiscal receipt – Rwanda
24. Optimization when sorting in the locator
25. Optimization for refund of deferred or emergency voucher
26. Added the option Print intermediate notes when dividing orders in the access rights – Restaurant
27. Added access rights for payment with “other type” – Restaurant
28. Application of access rights to “Cancel last bank transaction” in the Control Panel
29. Arranging access rights
30. Optimization of user reports with the possibility for preview, refactoring of the tab for X-report, .Rwanda
31. New window for previewing user reports before printing
32. Optimization in the Nilson setup
33. A new Encoding Georgian has been added
34. Added automatic filling of a note during the transformation of the document by the Document Manager
35. Added the ability to transform orders from a business user (coming from eMenu)
36. Optimization when reading the config file
37. Permission for the sale of unbranded marked goods – Ukraine
38. A new type of device has been added – Discount system
39. A new discount system has been added – Umico POS API
40. Added the ability to preview user reports before printing
41. Optimization of user inquiries
42. Added option for printing a grouped obstacle – Restaurant
43. Added option for automatic setting of number of guests – Restaurant
44. Added option to limit the choice only for free tables – Restaurant
45. An option has been added to limit the number of electronic points from the total amount of a transaction
46. ​​Added option for deducting electronic points only with a card – Retail
47. Added option for management of undiscovered goods – Commercial site
48. Added the ability to set the date of birth when creating a partner – Retail
49. An option has been added to define the regime for groups of goods – Retail
50. Issuance of an official voucher with the data at Reservation – Restaurant has been added
51. Optimization of different fiscal devices for FFD 1.2 – Russia
52. Optimization when printing scripts ItemDiscountPercent, ItemDiscountTotal, ItemDiscountTotalNet
53. Optimization of the stop list setting – to be applied only to current site – Restaurant
54. A new type of operation has been added – Proforma – Rwanda
55. Optimization in communication with SDC – Rwanda
56. A new reference has been added – PLU REPORT – Rwanda
57. Added automatic renaming of PortMonitor.html after the Z-report

Official page

Download: Microinvest Composition Pro Light 3.07.075 37.4 MB)

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