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PDF24 Creator v10.0.8

PDF24 Creator is a handy utility for creating PDF files or converting PDF files to multiple file formats.

The PDF24 Creator installer installs a PDF printer called “pdf24”. You can use this printer in windows like any other printer.

After printing a document on pdf24, the PDF file will be created automatically and a wizard will open. Here you can save, view or edit the PDF file.

PDF24 Creator contains a PDF editor that you can use to combine several PDFs into one, split PDFs, extract pages from a PDF, copy one or more pages from one PDF to another, and set document properties such as title and author , encrypt PDF files and prevent unauthorized printing, convert documents such as Word, Excel or images to PDF.

The integrated explorer facilitates the processing of PDF documents. Previewing each PDF gives you a quick overview and helps you edit it. There is also a built-in PDF viewer to view PDF documents.
License: Freeware.

Whats New in PDF24 Creator 10.0.8:

Toolbox saves last window placement

The toolbox now saves the last used window size and position on the screen. This way, the user can better adapt the application to the hardware he is using. Especially with large screens, some users do not want a maximized display.

Tray icon Open action improved

The tray icon can be used to open the PDF24 via the icon context menu or via a double-click. This behavior has been improved. If the toolbox is activated, then the toolbox is opened. If the Toolbox is not activated, then the older launcher is opened instead

Some brush types disabled for tools in the toolbox

For the Edit, Blacken and Annotate tools in the Toolbox, we have disabled some brush types because they do not run correctly in the offline version. Here we need to see how to switch these brush types so that they also work in the offline version.

Importing signatures into the signing tool improved

Signatures that are available as images can be imported into the tool. With large images there were problems with the display, so it was difficult to import them. Here we have improved so that this is now easier.

More functions can be deactivated in the toolbox

More instructions have been added in the Toolbox to disable some tools there. This can be done via the Windows Registry. The registry entries have the following form: feature.toolbox.[blacken | …] = [0 | 1] (DWORD). For example, if you want to disable the blacken tool, then set feature.toolbox.blacken = 0.

Language files updated

Problem with updater fixed

The updater did not evaluate an instruction correctly, which caused problems with the detection of updates. This problem has been fixed in this version.

Reader cannot overwrite currently opened file

In Reader we have built in a protection so that the currently opened file cannot be overwritten. If you wanted to do this in older versions, then there were problems with saving and the newly saved file was empty.

Filter options in the toolbox have made disabled tools visible

In the toolbox, there are several filters that the user can use to display tools. One of the filters is the one for recently used tools. Furthermore, there is the possibility to deactivate certain functions throughout the program, eg if they should not be available in a company. However, the use of the filters caused that these deactivated functions were made visible. This problem is now fixed.

Official page
Download: PDF24 Creator 10.0.8 (121 MB)

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