Money Manager Ex is a financial program that will be useful for anyone who wants to learn how to manage their cash flows, assets and assets. Money Manager has all the necessary tools and options for personal accounting with the ability to adjust your own parameters. Money Manager Ex has an easy intuitive interface, which does not take much time to master.
After setting up all the components and records of this assistant, it is possible to qualitatively control all personal and company income and expenses, profit and loss. Visual graphs help to optimize the budget and cash flow. With the help of Money Manager Ex, the distribution of cash and assets is easy in order to achieve maximum profit.
License: Free (Open Source).
Whats New in Money Manager Ex 1.5.7:
# 3783 Transaction Type on CSV import is ignored?
# 3800 Error in high figures when entering transaction amounts, or in balances / reports.
# 3797 # 3808 # 3809 # 3828 Translation fixes
# 3820 Date Range menu disapears
# 3830: Date spinner on Enter Recurring Transaction not working# 3846: Can’t type in HTML Scale Factor (MacOS)# 3815: New Recurring Transaction switching Type of Transaction works partly but not as expected
# 3784 Duplicate transaction date# 3781 Budget and Reporting period – User selectable start of month# 3818 A single theme cannot support both light and dark modes# 3768 Belarisian translation finalized
Download: Money Manager Ex 1.5.7 for Windows 32-bit (10.1 MB)
Download: Money Manager Ex 1.5.7 for Windows 64-bit (10.9 MB)
Download: Money Manager Ex 1.5.7 Portable for Windows 32-bit (11.8 MB)
Download: Money Manager Ex 1.5.7 Portable for Windows 64-bit (13.0 MB)
Download: Money Manager Ex 1.5.7 for Linux
Download: Money Manager Ex 1.5.7 for MacOS (21.1 MB)