To remove viruses from a computer without the risk of infection, use Kaspersky Rescue Disk, a free and safe tool! If your antivirus software cannot scan your computer or disinfect the files, you should use Kaspersky Rescue Disk 2022.

The scanning and cleaning of working methods are completed using the integrated Kaspersky Rescue Tool.
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Kaspersky Rescue Tool has a Registry Editor that may be used to fix an OS that has gone bad manually. A USB drive or CD/DVD with Kaspersky Rescue Disk 2022 can start a computer beneath it.
Using the utility, for example, is necessary if malware prevents the operating system from starting or starts an antivirus on a laptop. Advanced users can use Kaspersky Rescue Disk 2022 to recover corrupted functioning ways manually.
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It is not recommended to use Kaspersky Rescue Disk 2022 for long-term laptop protection. After sanitizing the computer, install a regular antivirus program.
You’ll also be able to burn this ISO image to a CD. Reboot the PC after inserting the CD into the infected system’s CD-ROM drive, then go into the PC’s BIOS and add it there.
Kaspersky Rescue Disk Features
- Switched-off working methods are scanned and disinfected. They start from a USB drive or a CD/DVD.
- Deep scan in Microsoft Windows.
- The registry editor in Windows.
- Support for the most up-to-date hardware.
- UEFI SecureBoot is supported.
All discovered working methods are being scanned. - Make use of the Kaspersky Security Network.
- Adware and Riskware detection
Notifications concerning antivirus databases that are out of the current. - Security against system file destruction.
- False detections are avoided.
- Before disinfection and removal, make a backup of your files.
- There is only one type of scan. You do not wish to select the most appropriate type fundamentally.
Download Kaspersky Rescue Disk
Kaspersky Rescue Disk 18 (619 MB)