Infix PDF Editor is a universal program for fast and convenient editing and formatting of text (even if it is formatted in several columns), for manipulating graphics, images and pages in any PDF file.
With the help of Infix PDF Editor it is possible to change brochures and newsletters, technical manuals, reports and others that use the PDF format, without the need for the original fonts and documents that were used in their compilation.
Infix PDF Editor has a powerful built-in text search and replacement feature, as well as headers and footers on all pages at the same time.
The program edits the text directly in the PDF file and can automatically transfer the text in paragraphs, columns and pages.
License: Paid (Shareware).
Whats New in Infix PDF Editor 7.6.0:
- z4028 – Possible crash when converting text to outlines
- z4173 – Fixed possible crash when first clicking on text to edit it
- z4162 – Better handling of PDF streams with a / Length1 rather than a / Length
- Improved paragraph formation for PDFs that result from the OCR process
- z4120 – Improved rendering of objects with a Lighten / Darken blend-mode
- z4144 – files may be turned 180 ° when saved (reduced size)
- z4123 – Fixed display issue with outsize annotation bounding boxes
- z4113 – Fixed issue with adding smart quotes when there was an existing text selection
- z4132 – Improved rendering of fonts with custom, symbolic encodings
- z4138 – Fixed issue with Replace All not working in some cases
- Added Noto fonts to installer to allow for local, automated translation
- z4129 – Better handling of unusual CIDtoGID mappings around 0
- z4128 – Improved rendering of transparency with luminosity
- Edit image facility didn’t work for folders with wide characters in them (UTF8 stuff)
- z4118 – Fixed possible crash when loading a PDF with a form containing javascript
- z4114 – Improved display of Arial font for PDFs that use but do not embed it.
- z4095 – Pressing Escape now switched to the default tool (as set in Preferences)
- z4119 – Improved behavior of T + tool when clicking on checkboxes
- z4103 – Improved behavior of Search button in the Remap Fonts dialog
- z4115 – Improved handling of formatted text when pasting from other apps
- z4106 – Improved reflow of paragraph including tabstops
- z4067 – Fixed possible crash with nested forms
- z4046 – Improved handling of comments within annotations
- z4049 – Fixed redaction of text inside an interactive form
- z4034 – Fixed possible crash when reading link with NULL destination
- Removed support for WindowsXP
- Reworked Find & Replace Font Size dialog box
- Save PDFs as PDF / 1A for long-term archiving
- Reworked auto-translation to no longer use external Iceni server
- Improved handling of wide characters in file names
- PDF Comparisons – find differences between two similar PDF
- Bi-directional text editing – edit Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu etc.
- Digital signatures – sign and verify PDFs, manage trusted certificates
- New comments panel with color-coded comments and wrap-around text
Download: Infix PDF Editor 7.6.0 (166 MB)