SUMo (Software Update Monitor) is a free tool that allows users to easily track the occurrence of updates to certain software products.
SUMo monitors for updates and, if available, provides a link to the download site. This is better than the built-in method for automatically updating programs, because it is active when the program itself is launched, while SUMo will notify you of a new version, even if you have not run a program for a long time.
If you always want to use the latest versions or at least know that they are out, then SUMo is not to be missed. This way you can always work with the latest versions of your favorite software.
When you first start it, SUMo scans your computer for installed programs and then informs you if updates appear for them. This way, the software you use will always be up to date. It has a Bulgarian interface.
License: Freeware.
Download: SUMo (3.82 MB)