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Wine 10 Stable – Run Windows applications under Linux

Wine is the miracle that allows you to run Windows applications under Linux. The program will provide you with a Windows interface for Linux-based systems.

Wine 6.19 Development / 6.0.1 Stable

Wine (an abbreviation for “Wine Is Not an Emulator”) is a compatibility layer that enables the execution of Windows programs on various POSIX-compliant operating systems, including Linux, Mac OS X, and BSD OS. Instead of mimicking underlying Windows functionality as a virtual machine or emulator does, Wine dynamically converts Windows API calls to POSIX ones.

It prevents the performance and memory disadvantages associated with other techniques. Additionally, it enables you to integrate Windows apps seamlessly into your desktop.

Microsoft Windows is not required to run this software. Wine may potentially utilize native Windows DLLs if available since it is a free alternative version of the Windows API composed entirely of non-Microsoft code.

It allows Windows programs to run natively, without the speed or memory consumption penalties associated with emulators, and with a similar appearance and feel to other apps on your desktop.

The Wine in 1993 by Bob Amstadt as a mechanism to run Windows 3.1 applications on Linux. Alexandre Julliard assumed leadership of development early on, and he has overseen the project ever since.

What’s New:

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  • Тhе mаіn hіghlіghtѕ аrе thе nеw АRМ64ЕС аrсhіtесturе аnd thе hіgh-DРІ ѕсаlіng ѕuрроrt.

Official page


Size – 31 MB

10.0 Stable

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