Prime95 is a program for testing the stability of a system. By maximizing the load on all major components, it is determined whether the computer is stable.

If you suspect that your system has a hardware problem, this is the program that will be able to load your computer enough to make it clear that your suspicions are correct. Just run a test, set the program to run at a low priority, and let it do its calculations. If a problem occurs, the test will be aborted and information will be displayed in the Prime95 window. In order to be able to say that a system is fairly stable, the test must take at least 10 hours. Otherwise – the more, the better.
License: Freeware.
What’s New in Prime95 30
РRР wіth рrооfѕ. Еlіmіnаtеѕ thе nееd fоr lеngthу dоublе-сhесkіng!!!
Rеѕоurсе Lіmіtѕ dіаlоg bох tо соntrоl рrіmе95’ѕ rеѕоurсе uѕаgе. Ѕее thе rеаdmе.tхt fіlе fоr ѕеttіng thеѕе орtіоnѕ.
Size – 9 MB
Prime95 30.19 Build 13 for Windows 32-bit
Prime95 30.19 Build 13 for Windows 64-bit
Prime95 30.19 Build 13 for Linux 32-bit