OkMap is a powerful program that allows you to design, create, and edit digital, raster, and vector maps, making them compatible with GPS devices. This software is perfect for anyone needing to work with various map formats efficiently.
Key Features of OkMap

- User Information: Add any information to your maps to enhance their appearance and usability.
- Upload Maps: Easily upload different maps to popular map servers.
- Data Exchange: Seamlessly exchange data with other cartographic systems.
- Route Export: Export routes to KML for use in Google Earth.
Check Also – EarthView – Free Download
Supported Formats
It supports a wide range of formats, including:
- Image Formats: PNG, BMP, JPG, GIF, TIF, ECW, GFW, JGW, and BPW.
- Map Formats: GeoTiff, World files, KML, KMZ, JNX, OziExplorer, CompeGPS, MBTiles, OruxMaps.
- Data Formats: GPX, DBF, DCW, PLT, WPT, DEM, RTE, and several more.
Additional Capabilities
Assistant for Map Uploads: Upload various maps to popular servers effortlessly.
Landscape Treatment: Perform landscape analysis and conversion.
Data Exchange: Share data with other mapping and cartographic systems.
License: Paid (Shareware)
What’s new in ver 18.9.1
Size – 44 MB