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FrostWire 6.9.1 Build 302 Stable

FrostWire is a program for searching and exchanging files between its users. The program does not block content, does not display ads, works quickly. Integrates with iTunes. This is a very useful tool for p2p file sharing. He is a terribly good customer for the Gnutella network.

It is written in Java, which makes it cross-platform and therefore free software. The idea for its creation comes from a change in Limewire’s policy, which already monitors what is downloaded and uploaded and, accordingly, restricts access to any information that a music or film company does not like.

The main features of FrostWire include file transfer between firewalls, built-in chat between users of the program, the ability to stop and continue the task, connect to multiple sources simultaneously, make the most of the available Internet connection, support for torrent files, support for proxy servers and others.
License: Free (Open Source).

Official page
Download: FrostWire 6.9.1 Build 302 Stable for Windows (48.2 MB)
Download: FrostWire 6.9.1 Build 302 Stable for Mac OS (57.2 MB)
Download: FrostWire 6.9.1 Build 302 Stable for Linux

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