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HomeBank v5.5 Final

HomeBank is an effective program for controlling your financial resources. HomeBank contains a set of tools for analyzing your income and expenses, arranged and divided into categories.

The software allows you to analyze, apply various filters and show your financial status in the form of graphs and charts. HomeBank will create detailed statistics for you and find duplicate records and unnecessary expenses. The software has an intuitive and easy to use interface.

HomeBank is free. Use it to manage your personal accounts. It is easy to use. Analyze your finances in detail and use powerful filtering tools and charts.

HomeBank has been used for more than 21 years. The development of HomeBank began in 1995. It is available in 57 languages ​​for GNU / Linux, FreeBSD, Microsoft Windows, MacOSX and others

Main characteristics:

  • Effective asset management
  • A set of revenue and expenditure tools
  • Displays statistics in graphs
  • Apply filters

Whats New in HomeBank 5.5 Final:

* new: your accounts added cleared column
* new: target xfer dialog add a match ratio column
* new: added checking and savings account type
* new: added tooltip on ‘your accounts’ to show last reconciled date, minimun / maximum remaining
* new: trend time, added average value and line into the graph
* change: your accounts renamed bank column to reconciled
* change: statistics report renamed the ‘Balance’ term with a more accurate ‘Total’
* change: statistics report added a compare Exp. & Inc. checkbox to clarify the interface
* wish: # 1911838 integrate fr_CA categories (included with wish)
* wish: # 1909694 duplicate auto assignment find
* wish: # 1909590 include one decimal digit in the fuel average
* wish: # 1900281 homebank Stats Rept – Subcategory heading
* wish: # 1898277 add a “today” button / calendar option when adding new transactions
* wish: # 1897810 search or sort assignment rules
* wish: # 1897696 red text in budget report for negative results
* wish: # 1894425 Add switch inside app to change dark / light theme
* wish: # 1893854 shortcut for scheduled main window button
* wish: # 1892606 graph legend text not smaller than windows font
* wish: # 1891878 your accounts add remaining before overdraft
* wish: # 1890024 add a high limit for saving accounts
* wish: # 1887212 internal xfer detection day gap manual preference
* wish: # 1884376 payee multimatch for autocompletion
* wish: # 1882876 category / payee separate usage count for transaction and overall usage
* wish:: # 1882456 txn dialog to order popover category by type
* wish: # 1870390 statistic report – sum / total as last row
* wish: # 1866456 import option to invert expense / income for credit card account
* wish: # 1857636 Allow showing only short / medium-term scheduled operations in the main window’s overview
* wish: # 1847622 txn status display to button and / or add icon
* wish: # 1846928 top spending max items configurable
* wish: # 1846822 your accounts column choose + add cleared
* wish: # 1581863 on main window, accounts have ‘Reconciled date’
* wish: # 1565386 ability to set time interval for the Balance report
* wish: # 300380 add direct print + pdf / png / ps export mostly for report / graph
* bugfix: # 1911805 the decimal digits of the Belarusian ruble is indicated incorrectly
* bugfix: # 1909323 windows: crash importing an OFX file with info + add to info
* bugfix: # 1903437 date column in transaction list can be empty
* bugfix: # 1898408 split window does not provide 8 decimal places for cryptocurrency
* bugfix: # 1898294 time unit is not translated ‘Manage scheduled / template transactions’ dialog
* bugfix: # 1895478 ofx file marked as invalid if empty line at top

Official page

Download: HomeBank 5.5 Final for Windows (18.2 MB)

Download: HomeBank 5.5 Final for other OS

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